Category Archives: Samples

Free Meguiar’s X2020 Supreme Shine Microfiber Towels – Pack of 3

Great freebie to order for husbands and boyfriends. The Tampa Grand Prix Car Wash’s website is giving away Free 3 packs of Meguiar’s Super Shine Microfiber Towels. These are said to really give your car a nice gleam when you dry with it. They are also SUPER absorbent.

Click the link below to go to the website – all you need to do is fill out the short form.

Enjoy your Freebie!

and remember to like us on Facebook and Twitter for more freebies and deals.

Get Your Freebie 

Free Lemon Pepper Spice Sample from Tampico

Do you love cooking? Get your easy peasy free sample of Lemon Pepper Seasoning from Tampico!! Get your sample by simply visiting the site linked to this page and filling out the short address form – takes all of two seconds.

Get Your Tampico Lemon Pepper Seasoning

Free SnakeSkin Condom Sample! Get it While it’s Hot!

Here is another great freebie we are sure you will want to get in on — Lifestyles has come out with their new ‘Snakeskin’ line of condoms – and they want everyone to try them out and give them some feedback.

If you are interested in this freebie – all you need to do is click the link provided at the bottom of this post to head on over to their Facebook page and fill out the short form to sign up for their sample.

Go to the Form

Free Sample of Cobrazol Pain Relief Topical Gel

Who doesn’t love a good medicine freebie? Saw this one on a freebies list and had to share. For a limited time, pain relief brand Cobrazol is offering FREE samples of their topical pain relieving gel. Nothing to buy, no shipping to pay. All you need to do is visit their site through the link below and click the ‘add to cart’ button. You will then be directed to a ‘cart’ page – no need to change anything just click ‘continue to checkout’.

At this point you will see a login screen – but there is no need to create an account unless you would like one. You can simply select the ‘checkout as guest’ option and continue on to the address form. Fill out the form with all of your correct shipping information and submit. Select the ‘free shipping’ option on the next page and continue on to the final review page where you will just hit continue — and you’re done. You will see an order number and a message that lets you know they have sent you a confirmation e-mail.

It sounds like a lot – but it really only takes about 1 minute to complete this offer – and it prompts you all the way to – not complicated at all.

So, go get your hands on this freebie before they stop offering.

Go straight to the Cobrazol Form by clicking HERE

And as always be sure to Follow Us on Facebook and Twitter (links over –> there 🙂 ) and there are share buttons down below if you think your friends might want to get in on this freebie!!

Quaker Steel Cut 3-Minute Oats Blueberries and Strawberries: A Product Review

So I recently got a free sample of Quaker Steel Cut 3-Minute Oatmeal and I have to say, I am pretty darn impressed. I eat oatmeal on occasion but it’s one of those foods — I can take it or leave it. I find most instant oatmeal to be much too runny – which disgusts me – not to mention that nine times out of ten you are still hungry after you have eaten it. So, needless to say I was a little hesitant about trying the product – but – it was free after all so I made a bowl.

Seriously – if you haven’t bought this stuff yet you are missing out. Yeah, it was that good. The flavor I got was blueberries and cranberries and while this is not typically a flavor I would pick out for myself (cranberries tend to be a bit too bitter for me) the blend of the two was kinda perfect. Quaker Steel Cut 3-Minute Oatmeal is not gooey or runny . Much to my surprise it was just the opposite. After I let it set for three minutes after microwaving – the texture became very thick and creamy.

I think people who are looking to cut down on their eating habits are going to love this oatmeal – I only ate one packet and I was full until lunch time. Also, it’s something you can take on the go. Yes, seriously. It only requires a little bit of water and a microwave so you could very easily stick a packet in your pocketbook and have it as a snack or quick lunch at work.

Overall, Quaker Steel Cut 3-Minute Oatmeal is great! The only criticism I have is I would have loved to have seen more fruit (but who wouldn’t??)

Have you tried out this product yet? Leave us a comment below and let us know what you thought!

Frugally Fruitful Star Rating for Quaker Steel Cut 3-Minute Oatmeal

**I received this product free of charge because I am part of a product testing community known as BzzAgent. I was given this product in exchange for only my honest review. I have not been paid by the product testing site or the manufacturer. All opinions are 100% my own. **

Free Full Size Face Wash from Painted Theraputics!

If you love beauty freebies as much as we do – we’re guessing you are going to want to jump on this one before it’s gone. Right now the Painted Therapeutics brand is offering full-sized samples of their  Optimum 15 Vitamin C Face Wash ABSOLUTELY FREE. All you have to do to get this freebie is click on the link we give you to their face book – like their page and sign up for the sample. The product is valued at $8 retail so this is really an awesome freebie!

Click HERE to go straight to the form!

Know someone who would like this freebie? Use the Social buttons below to share this post with your friends!!

Free Sample of Arm and Hammer Truly Radiant Toothpaste

So, browsing around online today – I found out that Arm&Hammer is giving away free samples of it’s Truly Radiant Rejuvenating Whitening toothpaste — and of course I had to share. All you have to do is fill out a short form and wait for yours to come in the mail.  Click the picture above or HERE to be taken to the short form.


These were the samples I got.

I absolutely LOVE this toothpaste. I was actually introduced to it about a month ago through a campaign on Smiley360 (a sampling and product testing community) I was sent a free sample of the toothpaste and its corresponding mouthwash as well as an Arm&Hammer Spinbrush. I have to tell you – the toothpaste is amazeballs. Even after one use – my teeth felt so clean – and kept that feeling for hours. It really helps get all the gunk out of your teeth — and when they say whitening, they certainly are not lying. I used this stuff for a week straight and I had family members asking me if I went and got my teeth bleached. My teeth certainly are not yellow – but they aren’t as white as they could be from years of coffee drinking and smoking.

Another great feature of this toothpaste is that it helps repair enamel and prevent cavities – which is amazeballs. I actually lost a filling right before I got this Smiley kit in the mail – but couldn’t get to the dentist for another two weeks – I really think this toothpaste helped me keep the cavity clean and keep the pain manageable.

I have continued to use this toothpaste over time – and believe me – the results just keep becoming more noticeable.

We give this product

So go get your sample HERE 

Also, if you are curious about the Smiley360 Communty where you can try products for free and tell the world about them – see our blog post from earlier this month to find out how to get started.

Free Condoms from Kondom -No Shipping

This is definitely a freebie that you don’t see very often online — Free Condoms. but the Kondom website is revolutionizing that idea. Their site is dedicated to providing free condoms to people all over the world and eliminating shame and poverty as reasons for unprotected sex. They do their best to educate about safe sex and STD’s and their program sends free condoms to anyone who applies anywhere in the world. We are not sure exactly how many they send – but it’s more than a handful I’m pretty sure.

How do I get this freebie?

Simply go to the Kondom website and fill out the very short application on this home page – no personal info required except your name and address so that your package can be mailed to you. They do take a few weeks to get mailed – but they are free right! 

Click HERE to go to the application.

This is a great resource – especially to people who cannot afford contraceptives – so please – share this post with your friends there are sharing tools below – help get the word out about this awesome program.

Get Legit Samples and Trial Products: Smiley360

Click the Pic to Visit

So, as you know, here at Frugally Fruitful we absolutely love free products. Free samples are a gift from God and while any sample is great – the bigger the better. I mean sure – getting one teabag to try in the mail is great but you can’t really form a full-fledged opinion about a product by just trying something one time. Smiley360 is breaking all the rules when it comes to sampling and if you aren’t already a member of this community you’ve been missing out.

Smiley360 is not really a ‘sample site’. It’s more of a product testing community. The goal of this site is to be a link between companies and their customers.They want you to try and test out new products and services (FOR FREE) and in return they want you to use a variety of sharing methods ( discussion boards and social media sites) to give your HONEST reviews and opinions about the product.

How does Smiley360 Work?

The process is insanely simple. You go to the site and sign up. Make sure that you are using all valid address and contact info- as they will be sending you product. Complete your profile and answer all the questions about your self and your household. Take this seriously as your answers to these questions is what they use to match you to various products.

Once you have done that all you have to do is wait. As product testing ‘missions’ become available Smiley360 will automatically match them with the best potential candidates. Check the site daily to see if you have any new invites. Once you get one, read through to make sure it’s something you are interesting in testing ( you can decline if you are not interested.)  Once you accept just wait for your package to come in the mail.

Sharing Your Opinion

When you get your product jump in and start using – then get back online and start using the various sharing outlets that the site offers. You will receive instructions with your package and your online dashboard will have a list of required activities for that mission. You will be asked to do things like share your opinions on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. You may be asked to take pictures of your product or you using the product and upload them. You may be asked to participate in a review program on the manufacturer’s website. Each activity gives you a certain amount of points. These points tell the site how active and dedicated you are to the community. The better your score — the more invites you will likely receive.

That’s it. Like I said the concept and the site are pretty easy to understand and navigate. So, if you like free product and like to be the first person to try things and share your opinions with the world – definitely get in on this community. I myself am on my third campaign and I am having a blast with it.

This is a picture of the products they sent me (for free) for my latest campaign.


Pretty awesome huh? Yes those are full size Arm and Hammer samples. So, like I said, if you are not in this community you are really missing out on a cool opportunity to share your opinions and get your voice out there. These companies are selling these products to you – shouldn’t you have a say in how things are done? BE PROACTIVE —  and get free stuff.

If you are interested in joining this community – Go visit their site. Also, check out our other frugal resources 

And – as always – please subscribe to our blog and help us grow!!